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wonderfully supportive events for your femenome journey

Once a Month...
Would you like to meet up for a regular online offering of information, support, sharing and laughter, with others navigating the same life passage?
Bring along your questions, concerns, stories and curiosities, and be ready for answers that might surprise you, console you, excite you or even challenge your accustomed ways of thinking about menopause.
Once-a-month evening sessions, hosted by Nurse/whole-health practitioner Jacqui; Naturopath/Herbalist Sarah, and Jane Catherine Severn of Luna House.
Next Meeting:
Thursday, 4th August 7pm
- Sat, 24 FebWebinar
- Fri, 16 FebOnline Event
- Thu, 18 JanCharteris Bay
- Thu, 18 JanCharteris Bay
- Sat, 05 AugThames
- Thu, 03 AugAuckland
- Sat, 08 JulChristchurch
- Sat, 24 JunChristchurch
- Sun, 22 JanNZ Spirit Festival
- Sat, 29 OctThe Sanctuary, Fernside
- Sat, 13 AugWellington
- Thu, 17 MarWebinar
- Sat, 21 AugBirkdale Community House
- Sat, 12 JunMoonlight Healing
- Fri, 07 MayChristchurch

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