"This book really is a remembering and I am awed by the author's work. It is a huge act of courage in a world that disavows our menstrual cycle reality, and a crucially important piece of work for these times we are so desperately needing reconnection with our natural world (and ourselves). The book is beautifully written, her ideas are articulated with passion, clarity and purpose, and best of all it is so practical! I have come away with a good foundation for living more cyclically and so inspired to make the most of the years I have left of my cycle. I've worked as a natural fertility educator and have taught the cycle from a physiological perspective, but learning about it from an energetic perspective is a whole other level of deepened awareness.
Thank you Jane Catherine, with reverence - may as many humans as possible - women, men and non-binary whānau - read this book, and be transformed by it!!!"
Anna Delaney book review, March 2023, on Me Books and Good Reads.